THAT kinda girl…
- I’m the kinda girl who doesn’t fall often, but when I fall, I fall hard…
- I’m the kinda girl who hangs out and watches sports with the guys…and actually know the rules and yells at the refs…
- But I’m also the kinda girl who owns over 25 purses, way too many shoes, and loves to go shopping…
- I’m the kinda girl who prefers relationships…but won’t be in one just to be in one or because I’m lonely…
- I’m the kinda girl who actually enjoys some of the domesticated “womanly” roles (cooking, taking care of the kids, etc.)…but who still considers herself a strong, self-sufficient woman…
- I’m the kinda girl you can take home to mom…. but who still LOVES to go wild behind closed doors…
- I’m the kinda girl who can get ready for a spontaneous weekend getaway in under 20 minutes…but who might take 2 hours to get ready if I’m going out for the night with my girlfriends…
- I’m the kinda girl who would rather live in a shack with the man I love than live in a mansion with one I “kinda love” or “could love someday”…
- I’m the kinda girl who doesn’t go to church often…but has absolutely no doubts on what my religious beliefs are…
- I’m the kinda girl who doesn’t get jealous if you look at another woman…because I know that if you want to leave me for her, you’re not the right one for me anyway…
- I’m the kinda girl who has run off to Canada on an hour's notice, danced on a bar at a lesbian club, and gotten out of at ticket for going 110 miles per hour because I talked to the cop for so long he forgot what he pulled me over for…
- I’m the kinda girl who loves having a career and could never live without one…but also hopes that I can take time off (well actually freelance from home) and be around my kids when they’re young…
- I’m the kinda girl who flirts all the time and LOVES sex…but has never cheated on anyone I’ve been with…
- I’m the kinda girl who generally prefers camping to a 5 star hotel (although I like being pampered sometimes…hee hee)…
- I’m the kinda girl who still believes a kiss means something…
At the time, I was using the discussion as a way to open up to Jack Daniels -- to let him get to know the real me, quirks & all. For a girl who typically keeps her guard up, it was my way to try and be a bit more vulnerable and share myself. A year and a half later, all of the descriptions I shared with him still hold true. Almost everything I said then has been true for years and will probably always describe me. So when it came time to define myself in a blog, TKG (THAT Kinda Girl) just seemed to fit.
This blog is about looking deeper into each of the those aspects that make me, "me". It's these characteristics that have put me on the path that I'm stumbling down. It's also these characteristics that I want someone to love & accept about me. I want my future Mr. Right to not only put up with these aspects of who I am, but to be enamored by me because of them. Here's hoping...
*Refer to The Story of Jack Daniels
**I like making people think, wonder, and have to ask questions to find out more
***This list was the way I described myself to Jack Daniels. I could easily write 30 more of descriptions like these to illuminate other aspects of who I am. Over the course of this blog I may do sporadic "Who's TKG" posts that add to this list.